All of Scripture is about Jesus. Each and every story throughout the Bible points to Him, the central character of God’s redemptive plan. This mp4 video is all about Jesus and examines His significance and prominence by looking at OT prophecies and what His death means for all of us. The video presenter is Pastor…
Tag: Answers in Genesis
Expired (no longer free)
FREE: The Authentic Christ (How Do We Know the Bible Is True? Series) mp4 Video
by danradke526 • • 0 Comments
All of Scripture is about Jesus. Each and every story throughout the Bible points to Him, the central character of God’s redemptive plan. This mp4 video is all about Jesus and examines His significance and prominence by looking at OT prophecies and what His death means for all of us. The video presenter is Pastor…
Expired (no longer free)
FREE: Social Issues Pocket Guide from Answers in Genesis eBook
by danradke526 • • 0 Comments
Would you like clear answers on what God says about pressing social issues in our day? This 96 page pocket guide (Mobi/ePub) from Answers in Genesis is really helpful in getting at what the Bible has to say about controversial issues such as homosexuality, euthanasia, stem cells, etc. Download a copy for yourself and let others…