Over on their Facebook page, Logos Bible Software is graciously giving away one volume of sermons from the “Prince of Preachers,” Charles Spurgeon.
Our link takes you to the Facebook post where you can follow their link to download the book. Be sure to use coupon code SPURGEONFB when checking out at Logos’ site.
This FREE offer is only available for a limited-time.
This is a volume from the most complete collection of Charles Spurgeon’s Sermons available in print or electronically. In this collection there are over 3,550 sermons from one of the most gifted speakers and blessed Christian leaders of our era.
This collection is an invaluable tool in both sermon preparation and understanding. Additionally, The Complete Spurgeon Sermon Collection can also serve as a full Bible commentary as there are sermons and expositions from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21.
Volume forty-three contains sermons 2,498–2,549.