Haven’t been doing an Advent devotional this year? Feel like it’s too late? Consider this short (only four devotionals) eBook from Paul David Tripp for the two weeks left until Christmas. It’s not too late to prepare your heart to adore Jesus this Christmas season!
BONUS: Check out the supplemental materials here for this devotional including videos, a sermon series, and nice graphics to share on social media.
Interested in More Advent Devotionals?
And don’t forget our Year-End Giveaways (up to 7 eBooks, where winners choose the eBook of their choice!)
As many of you may have noticed by now, here at eChristianResources we love gospel-centered resources. We’re firm believers that the Gospel isn’t merely for non-believers, but it’s also for believers to apply and live out in everyday life every day, by God’s grace. One author who consistently fleshes out the implications of the Gospel for the Christian life is Paul David Tripp. We does so from the vantage point of being a biblical counselor, which is to say that Tripp’s resources are highly practical! We are delighted to point to a resource of his, which itself points elsewhere: to the glory of God in the working out of the Gospel. May you benefit from Tripp’s gospel-centered Advent devotional!
It just doesn’t work to start in the middle of a story. You can’t walk into a movie theater halfway through the featured film and make sense of what you’re watching. There will be conversations and decisions and reactions that make no sense to you because you missed the beginning of the movie. In the same way, you can’t start the Christmas story with the baby in the manger in Bethlehem. If you do, you will miss key elements of the narrative that make all the difference in your understanding.
This year, we’re excited to freely offer Paul Tripp’s Advent devotional – ADVENT: THE WHOLE STORY – to help you prepare your heart for the Christmas season.This devotional can be printed off or opened in your tablet device as an eBook.
This resource includes four short Advent devotionals, accompanied by Reflection Questions that can be used personally, for your family devotion time, or with a small group or Bible Study. A bonus devotional is also included to help you think biblically about the New Year and the resolutions that come with it.
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